Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh You Think you Have a Blog? Well Have You Heard of The Shiloh Rant?

I just ate two cadbury's creme eggs and this hot pocket, along with this hot pocket's companion hot pocket------>

That doesn't matter. What matters is that I am full, which leads us to our Cast of Characters!


Jon Crocker aka Jonoline aka Roomate #1: liason to the Landlord, dater of Mrs. Jones, leaver out of food all night #1, ridiculously english, makes fun of you if you don't eat goat cheese and pear wrapped w/prociutto, resident of the Shiloh basement, holder of the precious keys to The Millennium Falcon, listener of classical music at random times, hates it when Nathan uses the word "literally" literally all the time

Sherwin Valerio aka Asian aka Roomate #2: curiously asian, maker of poor edible/culinary decisions, lives in the room that smells like a ferret for some reason, winner of food contests involving extremely spicy/and or mass amounts of food, uncoordinated, leaver out of food at night #2, finds cleaning the house therapeudic, has literally seen every movie ever.

Nathan Mitchell aka MC Mission Control aka Roomate #3: consumer of mass quantities of cereal and virtually nothing else, listens to terrible music loud all the time, doesn't take showers often enough, shaves his beard at inconvenient times, dater of incongruously hot girls, leaver out of cereal during the day because he's late for work again, flawless gaydar


Ross aka Sketchy aka DJ Ark-Tak: Nathan and Ross met over an intense gametime decision to not see Beloved in Maryland their first night of freshmen year of college

Daniel Harlan aka Miracle Worker: this man rules at life, if you find him and capture him you may be able to convince him to teach you how to build a fire using nothing but tracing paper and a pilot precise v5 pen

Vinny aka DJ Leather Interior: A very talented richmondian graphic designer, who was tragically born without a personality

Caroline aka Way Cooler than Jon aka Mrs. Jones: teacher of the children, dates Jon, possesser of red hair, did we mention that Jon sucks compared to Caroline?

Monica + Katie aka The Terrible Two: somehow they find their way into our house even when all the doors are locked, and then they won't leave. help!

There you have it. Enjoy the blog, and read it every day or I will hunt you. You don't want to know the story behind this:


  1. okay i seriously want to know what this placenta picture is all about.

  2. we found it in CVS, apparently it's a hair product, and then we threw up at the same time
