Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 annoying cop outs

Being intentional is cool and hip. Being intentional makes you consistent and stable. People count on you and depend on you because they know you are good for it. You mean what you say because you do what you say.

However, these excuses are annoying because they prevent you from being intentional:

1) "I am too busy" : Being busy should never be an excuse. You are never too busy to do something and anyone that uses this excuse is severely mistaken. People put things on a priority level as opportunities and responsiblities come up, but they are never too busy to do it. They might not come help you move because they have an office meeting, but I bet if you offered free pizza the priority level would go up. It is good and right to have a multitude of activites to choose from and to mark certain responsibilities more important than others, but do not use that as an excuse to not do what is important to you. For example, we all poop and eat. It is a miracle that we find enough time in our busy lives, no matter what is going on, no matter how much work we have, and no matter what emotional state we are in, or how tired we are, we always find the time to poop and eat. If you are as busy as you say you are you would either starve or explode, whichever comes first. You are never too busy for what you want to do.

2) "Who else is going to be there?" or "Who else is going?" : One of the characteristics of being intentional is the desire to do something because you want to do it, regardless of people or obstacle. How many times has an event, party, or activity been organized and this question is immediately raised? Oh so you might not go now, but if your cute crush comes you might be so inclined to show up. Oh so wait a minute you are a boy and you want to go to this baby shower? Hmmm I wonder why. So you want to go to the rally only if this person comes...ooooh I see. You should not be led to do things you seemingly want to do because of people. If people became more intentional about doing what they wanted to do two amazing benefits would take place right off the bat. A) You are happy because you are doing what you want and B) You are doing it with like-minded people who are there for the same reason and for those that care they might even be attractive and cute. So just go already.

3) "Maaaybe" : Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no. Nobody cares about your copout maybe.



  1. wow thanks for totally calling me out on the internet, sherwin.

  2. i cant get sarcasm right on the intertubez

  3.!?!?!?!?! *slight condescending grin
    *raised hands palms to the sky

  4. Welcome back, CNN. Another incident of an annoying excuse occurred very recently. For more on the story we go to Amy Holmes, live on the scene. Amy....

    Thanks Wolf...A little more than a week ago in a house here on Shiloh street in Fairfax. Local residents Nathan Mitchell, Sherwin Valerio and friends gathered to watch a scary movie. Their ethnic friend, Vineet Gordhandas arrived from Richmond, Virginia with the movie. He'd even brought some Coca -Cola imported from mexico made with real sugar as he knew it was going to be a late night. They had previously made plans to watch the movie, and then go to Amphora, a 24 hour greek restaurant that the friends frequented late at night. The movie went off without a hitch, but then things took a turn for the worse.

    "Tell us what happened..."
    "Well, the movie had ended and, we just kindof sat around for a bit, i mean you had to after uh... after a movie like that and uh...well then we were getting up to go to amphora and then sherwin just ah-"
    "THAT CHINK TOLD US HE WAS GOING TO TAKE A NAP! I mean what the F, we had made the plans, we planned it for a whole week, Vinny was going to bring the movie, and then we were gonna watch it and then go to AMPHORA!!! I mean what kind of excuse is that?? Vinny here had been looking forward to us hangin out and then ..."
    "yeah i um...was looking forward to hanging out. and i even brought some real coke for us so that we'd be awake and th-"
    "REAL COKE!!! Do YOU know how hard it is for me to SLEEP WHEN I DRINK CAFFEINE at night??"
    "Don't you think Sherwin was just really tired? Maybe he just really needed some rest"
    "Look, I'm sure he was tired, BUT its not about whether that ZIPPERHEAD was tired or not, Naw girl, This about RESPEC!"
    "yeah RESPEC!"
    "He disrespected US. HE might as well have SPIT in vinny's and my face!"
    "yeah and i don't like getting spit on, its annoying..."

    That night, Vineet and Nathan, went to Amphora without Sherwin, agitated by their friend's selfishness. Incidents of annoying excuses have been seeing a steady rise as of late. Its only a matter of time now before we ALL are just too annoyed with each other to maintain friendships, and are always blowing people off with lame excuses.

    I'm Amy Holmes...CNN.

  5. i was too busy to read that i had to poop

  6. sherwin is notorious, vinny, for making plans but then you only see him for maybe 10 minutes (outside of watching a movie). you should know that by now.

  7. which is why when sherwin invites me somewhere...i either ask who will be there (because i count on sherwin being there for 10 minutes) or i just say maaaaaybe.
