Friday, March 27, 2009

Passing the Time on the Metro #1: Train Hopping

Sometimes the distance between point A and point B can get very tedious. You can twiddle your thumbs and stare yourself into insanity. Believe me, I have done it many times before and it is not enjoyable. Sometimes you have to get up and take charge of your own life and realize that you do not have to put up with this.

The metro can be a long ride.

The first activity in this series is something I have recently discovered. It is called train hopping. It harkens back to the days of freighthopping which is the practice of covertly hitching a free ride on a railroad freight car. Migrant workers use to do this in the old days because they were unable to find affordable transportation.

Freight hopping today is extremely dangerous because conditions inside the car can be severe based on weather, as well as reported dangers from other freighthoppers who may be ex-cons or other violent undesireables.

Trainhopping the DC metro has all of the thrill, but the only severe danger is potentially being late for your activity.

Yesterday after work I barely caught my rain and made it through the doors as it closed on my bag. I was on the very last train. I wanted to be somewhere in the middle so at the next stop I decided to get off and move as far as I could up. Around Farrugut West I quickly manuevered my way past crowds, being careful not to knock people over, and barely made it to the next train, again the doors closing on my bag, adrenaline was surging through me. At Foggy Bottom I got off and managed to move up two cars.

The most important thing is to keep your ears open for the 'doors closing' warning sound. You can play it safe moving up one car at a time, but it is possible with two. I played by my own personal honor system and left at the door I came in, although if you want you can move up in your train to make hopping easier.

Another factor you have to keep in mind is manuevering the crowd. At some points you might be going against crowd traffic which can get intense, just be careful not to mow anyone down, and keep small children in your peripheral.

If you have a longer ride and you make it to the front, you can just work your way back. With two or more people the adrenaline factor goes up considerably, but remember there is danger of losing your friends and challengers.

Trainhopping can be an enjoyable experience and is a good equivalent if you missed your gym workout that day. Bring an extra undershirt if you choose to do this in the morning.

Don't worry, you'll be there in no time.


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