Monday, March 30, 2009

Sherwin Finally Comes Up with Something Awesome

As most of you readers out there in blogland know, Sherwin makes absolutely horrible decisions. From eating jellyfish at midnight in sketchy Chinatown to running three marathons in six weeks, I know that I can basically ask him for advice on any subject and trust that if I do the exact opposite of what he tells me to do, everything will turn out okay! Thanks, Sherwin!

Friday night, however, Sherwin totally redeemed himself from virtually every bad decision he has ever made. Bad decisions like eating Flatliners at Buffalo Wing Factory with no spicy-food preparation beforehand, hiking old rag twice in one day, and keeping my friend's Nikon SLR camera in his bag of filth. But like I said, Sherwin is the man and has overcome virtually every poor decision made in recent memory in one fell swoop.


First things first. We need to collectively establish that Ghostbusters is one of the greatest movies of my/your childhood, and a celluloid MASTERPIECE. Everything about that movie is incredible. The dry humor, the special effects, the writing...whatever the point is Ghostbusters is incredible and everyone knows it. Seeing it on a big screen with a packed audience in DC at midnight with my best friends sherwin + vinny was the best decision in recent memory. and Sherwin came up with it. Good job, sherwin! GHOSTBUSTERS IS SO GOOD!!! As a result of seeing this movie, the next car I get (hopefully this week) I am going to name Ecto-1.

As a small plug for E Street Cinemas, that place rocks, student price is $8 for a movie--which I always seem to secure--and they play, in addition to most of the current popular movies, a ton of cool pretentious indie films too! In fact, it rules so much and Sherwin has so few inhibitions that he has been known to take a lunch break, walk a few blocks over to E Street, catch a random movie, and walk right on back to work. There are also tons of weird characters to make fun of and peoplewatch at E Street. Like the one time we came out of this awesome/crazy time-paradox-type movie from Spain called TimeCrimes, where this Spanish guy kept going back in time to try to fix his mistakes, only to be foiled by his future self who was being foiled by HIS future get the idea. Our group of six was talking outside, trying to figure out what the crap we just saw, when this really weird dude came up and started talking about paradoxes and how "amazing" this film was. He was right about a lot of stuff, so me and Sherwin decided/pretended that he was a really famous movie critic and we were just in the presence of greatness.

So in conclusion, I hope this encourages all of you to go out there and make something out of your life. Ghostbusters is a cinematic masterpiece and seeing it huge is AWESOME. Go to E Street (with me?) and see a movie of your choice, because the moral of the story is that if Sherwin somehow makes a good decision, you know it has to be good.


  1. will you get a vanity plate for this new car that reads ECTO-1? Because if not, naming your car means very little to me. Also, I believe I saw that awesome/crazy time-paradox movie as well, only it was called Back to the Future.

  2. timecrimes comes out today. i am going to buy it.
