Monday, August 31, 2009

The Safehouse


*cue Terminator music*
Shiloh exists now only in our memories. You can't look back. Whenever you look back all you get is pain. So you've got to channel the pain. make it work for you. if you're gonna survive out here in the wasteland, all you can do is...try to survive.

We thought the worst was over when the bombs hit...but that was only the beginning. We couldn't have imagined what came after. Have you ever heard of Nuclear Rain? ...well it's no picnic. at least, not the kinda picnic I'm used to. I saw things you've never even dreamed of. Not in your worst nightmares. You want to talk about survival in the wasteland? well get in line. I've got bigger things to do that worry about your problems. I've got my own problems. Like, how am I supposed to make sure humanity's gonna last another three months? You know what's at stake here, so GET OUT OF MY WAY AND STAY OUT if you know what's good for you.
Me and two other of the survivors heard about a safehouse, somewhere near what's left of old town Alexandria. We leave tonight. If you don't hear from us again...'s 'cause we didn't make it.

Nathan Mitchell
Date: D+31 since everything that we knew was taken away

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Succeeding in the Wilderness of the Future, Part Deux

Oh I see. I see what's going on.

You think you're safe. You think you're happy. You've got everything figured out. You're sitting at home in a comfy chair with your little laptop, the quiet whirring of the computer's fan pacifying the stress of the day. You're at the desk in your home office, the dog, Tulip, lapping water out of her bowl in the living room the only sound in an empty house. You're reading The Wall Street Journal in the study, staying current on stock futures and how great your investments are doing. You have a job and a wife and kids, and you know that it's going to rain tomorrow, so it's best to be prepared by putting an umbrella next to the door tonight so you won't forget it in the morning. It's so peaceful, isn't it? Maybe you open the door to the kids room before you go to sleep, just to check on them, knowing they are safe in their beds and the goldfish are swimming around in the tank you got so little Timmy can have a friend. Maybe as you kiss your loyal wife goodnight you whisper a faint "I love you" in her ear, even if she's already asleep. you pull the covers over your head and you sleep soundly; the deep sleep that comes from a good hard day at work and a good hot meal at home. Don't've got everything in it's right place.


EVERYTHING IS GONE. THE WIFE, THE KIDS, THE REFRIGERATOR. You want to know where your little dog Tulip is? You want to know where timmy's goldfish are? THIRTY MILES SOUTHWEST OF YOUR POSITION. DEAD.

That's what happens to you when you think everything's going your way and everything's gonna be a-OK. quit your job and start preparing!!! You know what shiloh's doing? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW??? well get ready for this butt-kicking:

1) Sherwin signed a lease for a new place ALREADY
2) Nathan + Nate may have just found our dream house
3) Jon's got a fiancee so who cares

you are so naive. mister two and a half children. mister cookie-cutter. mister go with the flow. mister advertising specialist. get over yourself.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Succeeding in the Wilderness of the Future

Faced with the prospect of the apocalypse occurring in only 24 days, I have no choice but to update everyone on

1) How to Survive in the World, and
2) What Shiloh is Doing to Prepare:

first things first. How do you survive in the world? You survive by BEING PREPARED. Some practical ways you can be prepared is by making sure you have enough gas in your post-apocalyptic super-go-kart/skiff/jet/rocket plane/apollo spacecraft/car w/spikes for wheels. It's important that you have enough gas because gas is already a commodity, and when the world ends it's going to be the last thing people are fighting over. It's gonna be like gold so make sure you're gassed up and ready to roll and/or joust depending on the scenario. you don't want to hit the gas in a post-apocalyptic jousting match and have nothing happen. talk about losing street cred. get with it man!

another practical way you can be prepared is by making sure you choose the correct post-apocalyptic weapon. You don't, for example, necessarily want to choose a rocket launcher for your post-apocalyptic weapon because how many rockets are you really going to find once the nuclear dust settles? one? two? doubt it. if you're going to choose the rocket launcher be sure to collect enough rockets beforehand or you'll be stuck lugging around some dusty old hunk of metal for the rest of your life, and we already talked about are you gonna account for the extra weight in your super-go-kart? it's a waste. think about a sword or axe or something that doesn't need any extras. if zombies start turning up you'll be happy you don't have to scrounge for ammunition. A zombie hatchet, for instance, would work great in this type of future-scenario.

finally, another great way to be prepared is to horde food and water in a small, ultra-secret bomb shelter/hideout. the warped wooden shelves will hold a small assortment of nonperishable canned food and maybe a nailgun if you're lucky enough to have one of those. a small pistol, some cash, and maybe some gold rings in a safe in the corner is also a nice touch. tattered pre-apocalyptic movie posters sparsely decorate the walls. long after the bombs drop you know you are the bearer of the only key to your personal fallout shelter, where you can live safely with that special post-apocalyptic-someone for a solid six months to a year while the battle for oil, land, weapons, and just about everything else rages a few cubic feet of dirt above you.


which brings us to our next and final question: "what are the residents of shiloh doing to prepare for the coming housing jumble/nuclear holocaust??" And the answer is that aside from Nate and Sherwin looking sporadically for houses on craigslist, we've done just about nothing to get ready for our epic move. no gas, no weapons (although I might try to steal the zombie hatchet from the laundry room at the last minute) no nothing. well actually that's not true, I did take the Death Star in to see what was wrong with it...

...but that thing wouldn't last five minutes in the post apocalyptic least...not until I put SPIKED WHEELS OF DOOM on the hubcaps!!

...but seriously, Shiloh is not prepared to move at all.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We meet our hero as he stands on the precipice. His footing is weak.

We travel backwards to only moments ago where our hero rides into his enemies lands with determination and courage in his eyes. The brilliant gleam of victory lay on the horizon of the sunset sky. When suddenly he hears a crack like the trunks of a thousand trees bursting and falling to the ground. A great chasm opens in the ground in front of him, spewing steam and earth and fire upwards into the red sky. His stallion rears, knocking him off, and the poor beast tumbles into the void. Our hero slams into the earth, which quickly crumbles under him, he grasps hurriedly for solid ground but the dirt continues to give away. Our hero, who only moments ago beamed with strength and valor, now scurries like a helpless mouse. The earth cracks more and more; the sound like that of shattering bone. The courage in his eyes lost, replaced with fear, the fear of death.

Reach! Keep reaching! You can't die! You're going to die. NO! This is it. Everything is lost. What's this? This patch feels solid. Reach! Yes. The ground isn't breaking. This is it. On your feet. ON YOUR FEET!

We arrive again at our hero on the edge. He gazes into the blackness below. There appears to be no end. What must our hero do? Something shimmers in the corner of his eye. Where did that come from? He looks to the horizon, now shrouded by dust and smoke, and he sees it again. Glimmering beyond the dust and smoke, still on the horizon, is our hero's goal. His victory still lies ahead. He hears a whinny come from the hole. His horse...still alive? The stallion whinnies again, the sound is faint but unmistakable. There must be a bottom to this black gorge. He looks back to the horizon and victory. Only one thing stands in his way. He clenches his fists, tenses his brow, and begins the descent into the abyss.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have dreams where I am incinerated by a nuclear explosion. I get them every two or three months. In these dreams I can feel my skin burning and my body melting. then I die. then I wake up. I know what you're saying now: "NATAHN U CANT DIE IN UR DREAMS LOL :P" WELL I DO SO SCREW YOU.

Nukes. that's exactly what it's like on the other side. NUKES. when we don't have Shiloh...well what the hell DO we have?!! NOTHING!

if you said SKYNET then you'd be right! We've got this effing Hadron Collider runnin around colliding atoms together (like that's a good idea) and on top of all that North Korea's torturing prisoners and threatening the human race with extinction, AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT we've got movies about dolphins being tortured coming out by the same guy who trained Flipper AND ON TOP OF THAT the residents of Shiloh are MOVING OUT!!!! >:O


(that'll be jon in the back motorcycle)



Wednesday, June 24, 2009



That's right everybody, we're moving out!! We just got word that the house isn't making enough money so they're kicking us out! understandably so!

now what the crap are we going to do about this mess?!! it looks like a bomb went off in this house! in every room! at the same time!


we will be incorporating some help to chronicle the final days in our home of homes, Shiloh. Nate Morris and Vineet Gordhandas join the triumphant ranks to aid us in overcoming this new obstacle. wish us luck.

and if we don't make it back in five minutes...CALL THE PRESIDENT.

एवेर्य्थिंग'स गोइंग क्रेजी!

दो नोट ट्रांस्लाते थिस मेसेज।

थे वर्ल्ड इस गोइंग तो हेल! थे रेसिदेंट्स ऑफ़ शिलोह अरे बीइंग उन्देर्स्तान्दब्ली फोर्स्ड तो लीव ओं ग्रौंड्स ऑफ़ नोट हविंग एनौघ रूम्मातेस! ठेस अरे थे च्रोनिक्लेस ऑफ़ थे लास्ट देस!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dinner, for Once

So it was thursday night. Prisms was recording, laying down guitar tracks in the basement. When we were about halfway through our studio session, Jon and Daniel came in, arms loaded with groceries. After checking in to see how everything was going, they told us they were cooking a delicious dinner and proceeded upstairs into the kitchen. We continued recording guitar, minding our own business. Every now and then we'd hear a smash or crash as pots and pans seemed to be flying around upstairs. We heard footsteps creaking on the floor above and the sink's water seemed to be running the whole time they were cooking.

...and that's when we smelled it. It was like heaven, only better. I smelled the familiar smell of garlic mashed potatoes (one of my favorite foods of all time)!! After our recording session was over I went upstairs to find a feast prepared:

they made a RIDICULOUS meal for dinner!! Caramelised onions over steak w/barbecue sauce, and garlic mashed redskin potatoes, washed down with Red Hook beer. Here's a closeup of the masterpiece:

It was delicious! The mashed potatoes were very garlicy and well-spiced with herbs from the Shiloh Garden (the spice rack in the kitchen), and were creamy and chunky at the same time, which was simply delightful! The steak was fairly tender, with the caramelised onions complementing the taste just right. Barbeque sauce was on hand, but I found that I didn't need it to fully appreciate the steak's juicy taste.

pretty good considering these are two of the lamest and most incapable dudes I've ever met. all they seems capable of is going to Nicaragua and helping build houses for weeks on end, or traveling to africa and feeding the hungry. see what I mean? LAME.

anyway, as we were finishing up, someone suggested that we break out the scotch, which we proceeded to do:
and let's not forget the Ardbeg:
And barring the fact that somebody drank like a massive amount of our whisky somehow, we ate, drank, and were merry! I'm telling you, Glengoyne is insane. if you ever get your hands on it, you are a success!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Shiloh is Depressed

Well after a round of weddings and countless stupid engagements, Shiloh is officially wallowing in depression. our rooms are a wreck, sherwin's room smells like ferrets, the shower's too hot, the sink's too dirty, the basement's to humid, it's like flames at night when we're trying to sleep, I can't seem to go to bed at a reasonable hour, Jon's flaking out on work, our house is being overtaken by various size bugs...which isn't helped by me trying to feed all the spiders I see in the house. ...speaking of which.......


I saw a small spider in the tub area of the shower and he was trying to get up the side but it was too slippery, so I made a ladder out of toilet paper so he could use it to climb out, then I went to sleep. but when I woke up in the morning he was still in there. not only was he still in there but he didn't seem to be moving very much. I tried blowing on him but he wouldn't budge. I knew he wasn't dead so I decided that he wasn't moving because he didn't have anything to eat. I know I get tired when I don't eat so I started trying to figure out where I could possibly find an ant or bug to feed him.

which is when I looked up at the light that was on in the bathroom directly over my head, and discovered, depressingly, literally 14 bugs, all in different shapes and sizes, flying around in the bathroom around the light. "What luck!" I thought to myself, "any of these will do!" So I chose one of the bigger beetles, grabbed my Urbana '06 book and with one *WAP!* he was done. I scooped up the barely-alive-but-fading-rapidly beetle and put it next to my spider friend. But my spider friend did not budge. again I blew on the spider and he just started moving around the tub in the opposite direction. great. "Oh, well," I thought to myself as I tucked my thumbs underneath my suspenders, "at least I know I've done my good deed for the day!" I brushed my teeth and went to work. When I got home the spider was gone. I really hope he went up the toilet-paper ladder. He hasn't been seen since. I just hope he got a "bite" to eat before he left! oh man that cracks me up!

Shiloh's depressed. *le sigh...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Horror Night at Shiloh LIVES!!

For all you horror dudes and chicks, I'm proud to announce that Horror Night at Shiloh returned from the grave, so to speak, two nights ago. We have a new TV in the basement (the same one that was at 2708...*single tear) and it has been awesome so far!

Wednesday Night: The Midnight Meat Train
Sounds gross right? Sounds promising, right? Correct! Sherwin and I rolled over to Circle Pizzeria (NY-Style large pizza), scored a large cheese, took it back and threw on the movie. Originally adapted from a 7-page short story by Clive Barker, Midnight Meat Train was pretty sick!! I want everyone to watch this because it rules, so I won't give anything away, but suffice to say I will be legitimately freaked out for the rest of my life if I am the only person on a metro car at night. And I will never look at the Metro the same way again. The last fight scene is incredible. Kudos to the cinematographer and special effects crew for putting together a suspenseful and ridiculously gory endgame (conceptually as much as visually--you'll see what I mean). There are some brutal and tragic twists in this movie, and Sherwin and I highly recommend it!

Thursday Night: Quarantine
If you liked Cloverfield but thought it wasn't realistic enough, and if Diary of the Dead freaked you out but you weren't necessarily are going to flip out over Quarantine, a recent "handheld-camera" type horror movie. I won't give anything else away, but the plot is rationed out slowly and precisely, with incredibly realistic and terrifying results. Sherwin and I bought another large cheese pizza for this movie, this time from Pizza Boli's, but halfway into my second slice I completely forgot about the pizza and was fully engaged in this movie and totally freaked out!! Didn't touch the pizza after that. Neither did sherwin. This movie, plotwise, is so well done that at every turn you simoultaneously want to know more, and don't want to know any more, and just want it to be over and go away...but it is as unforgiving as it is patient. Incredible.


1. Weddings have been pissing everybody off
and as such Shiloh has, obviously, plunged into the abyss of selfish pizza-devouring horror movie nights and videogames. We're coming apart at the seams!! Sherwin's got a shinsplint and Nathan randomly ordered 3 gamecube controllers. I don't know what's going on.

2. Nathan has another light in his room!!! that's right folks, I no longer have to be afraid of the dark, with my new "2nd lamp" in the room! of course, now I can actually see my filthy floor, but also it's easier to clean when you can see stuff. at least that's what people have been telling me.

3. Jonaline is still MIA. where the heck does he go?!

4. Prisms is in the studio working on two demo tracks for the new record! Keep your ears to the ground, these will be ready in a few weeks!

5. Horror Night at Shiloh will soon be extended to the rest of the world!! if you're into horror movies, we will have good news for you guys in the coming weeks...

see ya later!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Guest Post on Thurber Party of 4!

I know this hasn't been updated in awhile. We'll update it whenever we freakin want get off our backs!! >:0

Anyway this is just to let you know that our very own Emcee Mission Control, aka Nathan Mitchell, will have a guest post over at sometime in the next few days. They are some of me and Sherwin's friends and their blog rules, so effin get over there and quit wasting our time!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Lunch Review #2: Philly Cheese Steak from Breadline

This is the last effing time I will let sherwin make a decision for me.

Sherwin, after getting cheese steaks for his birthday dinner at Al's Steakhouse in Alexandria last week (which was really good), has gone on a frantic search for the best cheese steak in town, eating cheese steaks everywhere--Subway, Quiznos, and now, BREADLINE. He called me up and we decided to head over there for lunch on a hot Monday afternoon.

for those of you who don't know, Breadline is a new restaurant that opened up on Penn. Ave. You won't be able to glean any information other than that from their website, however, which is literally the crappiest and most uninformative website I have ever seen:


on to the review:
The Food: Philly Cheese Steak (a monday-only special) and fries:
The Place: Breadline, 1751 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC
The Price: $11.50
The Pre-Lunch Vibe: I hadn't had anything to eat for 24 straight hours. I had Crisp & Juicy with William, a few cheetos here and there, and that was it. no breakfast, no dinner the night before. So I was starving and would pretty much eat whatever was put in front of me. Sherwin, on the other hand, doesn't usually even eat during the day, but really really wanted to try this cheese steak from Breadline because he had heard good things.
The Verdict: let's start off with the obvious. Does this:
look like a cheese steak to you?


maybe that's because it's NOT:
Nathan: What is this thing?
it has some kind of ketchup on it
Nathan:'s...not THAT bad...
I feel like I'm eating beef stew on bread.

It was okay. It did the job of filling me up. The ingredients seemed fresh and the bread was pretty good, but...something about it coming together was just wrong.

Which is when we looked around and saw, easily, one of the douchiest and most pretentious sandwich restaurants in the Metro area. It's super open, carries fine bottled water, obscure root beer (Sprecher's Root Beer...elevation burger does it better. You can't fool me, Breadline. I am the root beer commander), has pictures of various people baking or eating bread from the 1940s, and their pizza, I swear to you, is the size of a DVD. To reference South Park, Sherwin and I both almost died from all the Smug in the air. All the people in there were LOVING it. Yuppie headquarters.

Nathan: this
I hate it in here.
Nathan: it's...horrible.
Sherwin: I am never coming here again.

The thing that really bothered me, in particular, was that they made no effort whatsoever to cover up their pretentiousness. it just sucked. Redeeming factor: the fries were pretty good.

but not enough to give it a grade above a big, fat F.

And so, the question you're all begging to ask: "should I go to Breadline for lunch?"

Sherwin + Nathan say NO!

Sherwin: it is a CRIME to call this a Philly cheese steak.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My name is Nathan and I am a model

Hey everyone Vinny here. This is my newest graphic design creation. I am so awesome at what I do :-) !!! Nathan is very pretty isn't he. *guuush <3


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Highlights for Children

Shiloh's been busy with life and other commitments but we have not forgotten about you!

Some highlights:

-Prisms is playing on Sunday at 930 at Galaxy Hut in Clarendon 9-11PM. You need to come!

-Sherwin's Birthday is April 22nd. Aging!

-Nathan in an alltime record left Shiloh at a monumentous 645AM this morning. Unheard of!

-Jon studies a lot. ZZZZZ!

-Sherwin attends Filmfest DC all week and watches at least 3 movies a night and comes home after midnight. Reviews up soon. Cinema!

-Invisible Children: The Rescue April 25th which is the day before the Prisms show at Galaxy Hut on April 26 Sunday Sleep on the Mall with a thousand people!

-Sojourners Conference: Men in suits!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lunch Review #1: Philly Steak and Cheese


Philly Steak and Cheese. As opposed to Philly Cheese Steak. I read ya.

The food: Philly Steak and Cheese sub, steak-fries, A&W Cream Soda in a bottle:

The Place: Sizzling Express, 15th + K
The Price: $9.50
The Pre-Lunch Vibe: I was pretty hungry, and I didn't really care about spending a couple more bucks than normal since I felt vindicated in the light of the previous day's "piece of chicken w/ketchup" lunch that cost a whopping $0.00. Normally I don't get a philly cheese steak unless I'm at Pat's or Geno's in philly, but my coworker recommended it so I went for it.
The Review: Taking the "Philly" out of the name of this sub would make it much better, since, as mentioned above, philly cheese steaks just aren't the same outside of philly. The Philly Steak and Cheese Sub from Sizzling Express came with lettuce, tomato, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, and mayo atop the standard sliced ribeye and provolone cheese. It tasted okay. I mean it was good (the A&W, btw, was an excellent choice), but it's time to draw the line. A Philly Cheese Steak from anywhere but Philadelphia proper is a ruse, a Venus Flytrap, a shallow pond. You see, philly cheese steaks are precious gems of love, and if you go to philly and you have one there, you'll understand. things like lettuce, tomato, mayo, and even your cute little provalone cheese are basically unheard of in philly when it comes to steaks. In philly you're thrown a greasy basket with very thinly sliced steak in a pliable Pennsylvania whitebread with cheese wiz everywhere, and onions if you want them...and that's it. "That's it? where's the provalone? what's up with cheese wiz?! that's gross, Nathan." Get over it. What are you eating anyway? Cosi? oh that's cool. I'll just be over here eating something that doesn't cost $20 and is larger than a toenail and doesn't consist of alfalfa sprouts, imported mustard and "coastal flatbread." What does "Così" even mean? You don't even know, do you? maybe it's french for "tiny amount of expensive food." I prefer to eat at a place that doesn't require you to be pretentious in order to make it through the door. You make me sick.

...more lunchtime food reviews to come!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Review of Hannah Montana: The Movie

Sherwin: did you know that hannah montana and miley cyrus are the same person?
Vinny: yes
did you just figure this out?
Sherwin: yes
well actually yesterday
when jenn dragged me to the movie
Vinny: you have got to be kidding me

Hannah Montana: The Movie - Zero Stars


Friday, April 10, 2009

l33t haxxorz are @ll over the interwebz

Friends, Romans, countrymen:

many of you have been coming to the Residents of Shiloh and asking whether or not our blog was again hacked by Vinny.

I assure you, no hacking has occurred. everything is fine, situation normal. we're...everything's are you?

-Nathan has again become super geeky and started playing a stupid video game for hours on end, while still maintaining a debonair chic and whirlwind social life
-Sherwin continues to eat his weight in chinese delivery food every night
-Jon has mind-controlled Caroline's dog, Radley, who has been successfully reprogrammed to believe that sherwin is actually Caroline, as evidenced by this picture:

The [actual] Management

Thursday, April 9, 2009









Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Someone is Trying to Kill Us.

I'm going to show you some pictures right now...and what you see may shock you.

Do not view the following images if you suffer from asthma, stomach pain, migraines, hypothermia, arthritis, myopia, a general feeling of helplessness, frequent cardiac arrest, spontaneous combustion, the flying Lillies, cramps, dandruff, warts, measles, chicken pox, smallpox, peanut allergies, bronchitis, cancer, AIDS, the inability to stand up for yourself, goosebumps, the Andromeda Strain, The Jimmies, the Jammies, or the Jams, fever, disturbia, dyslexia, arachniphobia, Zimmerman Reaction, or if you are a victim of happenstance, have recently played "savage women" in a large group setting, operated a BRUCKHEIMER equipped with an AMERICAN CHAMPION® Truck Hitch, or tried on men's boxer shorts in a Hecht's or competing department store in the past 14 days.

as you can see, every one of our houseplants is on their very deathbed. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT. no. I suggest foul play.

perhaps it was...
VINNY, with the houseplants in the BAY WINDOW, with the GREEN CHILLY SAUCE?!
or, even more likely, MONICA, the large plant BY THE TV IN THE BASEMENT with the ZOMBIE HATCHET??!!?
JON, trying to frame SHERWIN by killing the houseplants ABOVE THE DVDS with the LEFTOVER SKETCHY RICE?!!!
or was it SHERWIN trying to frame NATHAN by doing away with the large houseplant IN THE LIVING ROOM with the HOT POCKET??

all of these are possible, but only the first two seem feasible. what we do know is that there's definitely something going on. I tried adding beer to one of the houseplants the other day and it did nothing. NOTHING. DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS??!! my friends, we are dealing with something completely new. something unseen. something or someone is trying to cut off our oxygen supply, and I am going to get to the bottom of it.

-MC Mission Control

Ad Space

Shiloh loves and knows God through Jesus Christ.

Come to our worship night in Arlington, if you are free, just in time for Easter.
You can always tivo Lost.

Wednesday night 4/08/09

Jon Beilfuss's House
4247 25th St N
Arlington, VA 22207

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Ephesians 6:18-20

Monday, April 6, 2009

This is how we ride

Shiloh rides the metro everyday. There are rules to follow even if they are unsaid. They are obvious to anyone that pays attention to their surroundings and tries to respect their fellow man. Any sense of entitlement you think you have to personal space and comfort is null and void. I took the train to the Cherry Blossom Festival this weekend and obverved many of these rules being broken. If you come on a weekday please learn these rules before you ride.

1. Those seats are for the handicapped and pregnant. Fine if you want to sit in them because you are too lazy to stand, but when you see a pregnant woman or an old man with a cane, kindly get up and give them your seat. Being inconsiderate is not a handicap. Inconsiderate people do have a seat though, but it's in hell.

2. Stop eating or keep your food in the fridge. I do not care what you are eating for lunch or dinner. So please do not give me any clues by bringing your bag full of chinese food or your 3 day old sandwich on the train for everyone to smell. You aren't even allowed to eat or drink on the metro anyway. I don't want to step on your crumbs or see your gross mustard stains on the seat. And at the very least that better be mustard. You can either A) Finish your food before you get on B) Wait to eat when you get off or C) Keep it in your bag

3. Move to the middle. There is a lot of space in the middle. Like, a lot. There's ample pole hold ons and you might even snag a seat. You don't need to crowd the ends we can all ride together. It's ok you can party in the middle.

4. Don't block the doorway. If it is crowded step outside. Don't be afraid if you are not an idiot the train will not leave without you. Let people out, we don't need to climb over your lifeless selfish body. When everyone is out theeen get back on, you might even find a seat so you don't have to be a boulder.

5. Take off your stupid bag. If you are standing take off your backpack. It keeps hitting me and knocking me into the wall. What do you even keep in there to make it so big anyway? Put it on the floor and stand above it.

6. Be polite. Listen all you have to say is excuse me and I will get out of your way. You don't need to push me or knock me out of the way. I didn't mean to block your way, in fact I would enjoy the extra room when you leave. I want you to leave. Give me some kind of signal whats wrong with you.

7. Wait for people to leave before you enter. We are all not off yet so wait. Especially if you have a stroller. Just because you have a baby does not give you special access to mow people down with your death machine. We all get what we want, you get on and I get off. Let it happen.

8. I can hear your music and it is not very good. This is not a concert this is the metro. I don't want to hear your country music in the morning or your Daft Punk when I'm still groggy. No one wants to hear your Miley Cyrus, and what are you doing anyway, you are a 40 year old man. If you need the volume to be all the way up on a quiet metro maybe you should stop listening to your device and see an ear doctor.

9. Two people can sit in that seat. I don't care if you had a hard day, so did I. Scoot ever. There is no special selfish HOV sitting. If you have to sit on the end because your stop is close then just stand.

10. Be the boss of your children. I don't need to see your daughter practicing for her future occupation as a pole dancer. And your son almost kicked me in the face attempting a failed pull up which will represent all his life's future failures because you could not keep him in line.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey Nathan write a blog and this is how Vinny and I see how our lives will turn out at this immature state via gchat

Vineet: sherwin
gchat compared to aim
gchat is for adults
aim is for kids
gchat uses contact lists and aim is buddy lists
gchat is status messages and aim is away messages
we're adults now
we need to make sure we are talking about the right stuff
me: taxes and morgages and the economy blah blah blah
my baby learned to walk
roth IRA's
jean valjean was a thief and a liar
i drive a minivan now
do you like my loafers
i wear suits on the weekends too
my wife and i dont have sex anymore
i think my son is stealing from me
Vineet: nice life
me: vinny i am having a heart attack
Vineet: this is your picture of adulthood
me: beeep.beep.beep beep.........
....aww...crap..vinny dont sit on my i lay dying....
aaaaaand scene.
yeah thats adulthood
complete with face sitting death
Sent at 11:10 AM on Friday

Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 annoying cop outs

Being intentional is cool and hip. Being intentional makes you consistent and stable. People count on you and depend on you because they know you are good for it. You mean what you say because you do what you say.

However, these excuses are annoying because they prevent you from being intentional:

1) "I am too busy" : Being busy should never be an excuse. You are never too busy to do something and anyone that uses this excuse is severely mistaken. People put things on a priority level as opportunities and responsiblities come up, but they are never too busy to do it. They might not come help you move because they have an office meeting, but I bet if you offered free pizza the priority level would go up. It is good and right to have a multitude of activites to choose from and to mark certain responsibilities more important than others, but do not use that as an excuse to not do what is important to you. For example, we all poop and eat. It is a miracle that we find enough time in our busy lives, no matter what is going on, no matter how much work we have, and no matter what emotional state we are in, or how tired we are, we always find the time to poop and eat. If you are as busy as you say you are you would either starve or explode, whichever comes first. You are never too busy for what you want to do.

2) "Who else is going to be there?" or "Who else is going?" : One of the characteristics of being intentional is the desire to do something because you want to do it, regardless of people or obstacle. How many times has an event, party, or activity been organized and this question is immediately raised? Oh so you might not go now, but if your cute crush comes you might be so inclined to show up. Oh so wait a minute you are a boy and you want to go to this baby shower? Hmmm I wonder why. So you want to go to the rally only if this person comes...ooooh I see. You should not be led to do things you seemingly want to do because of people. If people became more intentional about doing what they wanted to do two amazing benefits would take place right off the bat. A) You are happy because you are doing what you want and B) You are doing it with like-minded people who are there for the same reason and for those that care they might even be attractive and cute. So just go already.

3) "Maaaybe" : Let your yes be a yes and your no be a no. Nobody cares about your copout maybe.


Monday, March 30, 2009

I do not make bad decisions

People rarely take risks. This is the reason why boys don't ask out girls or how you never knew that the Moon Over My Hammy plate at Denny's is delicious because you decided to go home at 3AM. This is how you keep moving, but never go anywhere. Playing it safe is life's version of a treadmill.

Life is full of possibilities and your body is capable of many things. For example, Mauro Prosperi survived many days in the Sahara desert after losing his way during the Marathon des sables. And Julianne Koepcke survived after a place crash in the Amazon. I was on crew for almost two years in college, and during winter practices we would go out in shorts, a t-shirt and our bare feet and row at 5 in the morning, sometimes in temperatures close to freezing. The human body can follow the will of the Spirit of you let it. You can do many things.

People today lump their decisions into two categories. A 'good' decision is a decision that will work and a 'bad' decision is any decision that has doubt. These decisions are based on the outcome, rather than what you really want. This is how settling happens. And this is how pirates become bankers.

Decisions should be based on what you want, rather than what may or may not happen. Risky decisions are 'bad' decisions with glasses on. The only difference between a good and bad decision is what you want to do. Discomfort or failure does not equal death. Risk does not equal bad. And safe does not always equal good.

And this is how pirates become the captains they've always wanted to.

Live a little. Have some stories to tell your children, rather than telling stories about your crazy friend who actually took chances.

So go ahead, eat jellyfish at a sketchy Chinese restaurant because you have always wanted to try it. Run three marathons in seven weeks because it might be possible, and if not, at least you tried. Why not try getting something different at IHOP so people don't know what to order for you when you take a bathroom break, or making friends with people you might not normally talk to, so maybe, just maybe, you extend a little bit of God's grace and maybe even learn a new perspective. Try the liver with onions, you might actually like it. And Flatliners won't kill kill you, it just makes your mouth hurt a little, you can push through don't be a baby. Sleep in an alley in NY, you'll save loads of money, you can take shifts with your friend and look out for muggers. Kayaking the ocean? Please, you can do that in your sleep.

Do what you can while you are here.

How will any of you ever know what you are made of or what you really want if you keep running on a treadmill during your youth?


Sherwin Finally Comes Up with Something Awesome

As most of you readers out there in blogland know, Sherwin makes absolutely horrible decisions. From eating jellyfish at midnight in sketchy Chinatown to running three marathons in six weeks, I know that I can basically ask him for advice on any subject and trust that if I do the exact opposite of what he tells me to do, everything will turn out okay! Thanks, Sherwin!

Friday night, however, Sherwin totally redeemed himself from virtually every bad decision he has ever made. Bad decisions like eating Flatliners at Buffalo Wing Factory with no spicy-food preparation beforehand, hiking old rag twice in one day, and keeping my friend's Nikon SLR camera in his bag of filth. But like I said, Sherwin is the man and has overcome virtually every poor decision made in recent memory in one fell swoop.


First things first. We need to collectively establish that Ghostbusters is one of the greatest movies of my/your childhood, and a celluloid MASTERPIECE. Everything about that movie is incredible. The dry humor, the special effects, the writing...whatever the point is Ghostbusters is incredible and everyone knows it. Seeing it on a big screen with a packed audience in DC at midnight with my best friends sherwin + vinny was the best decision in recent memory. and Sherwin came up with it. Good job, sherwin! GHOSTBUSTERS IS SO GOOD!!! As a result of seeing this movie, the next car I get (hopefully this week) I am going to name Ecto-1.

As a small plug for E Street Cinemas, that place rocks, student price is $8 for a movie--which I always seem to secure--and they play, in addition to most of the current popular movies, a ton of cool pretentious indie films too! In fact, it rules so much and Sherwin has so few inhibitions that he has been known to take a lunch break, walk a few blocks over to E Street, catch a random movie, and walk right on back to work. There are also tons of weird characters to make fun of and peoplewatch at E Street. Like the one time we came out of this awesome/crazy time-paradox-type movie from Spain called TimeCrimes, where this Spanish guy kept going back in time to try to fix his mistakes, only to be foiled by his future self who was being foiled by HIS future get the idea. Our group of six was talking outside, trying to figure out what the crap we just saw, when this really weird dude came up and started talking about paradoxes and how "amazing" this film was. He was right about a lot of stuff, so me and Sherwin decided/pretended that he was a really famous movie critic and we were just in the presence of greatness.

So in conclusion, I hope this encourages all of you to go out there and make something out of your life. Ghostbusters is a cinematic masterpiece and seeing it huge is AWESOME. Go to E Street (with me?) and see a movie of your choice, because the moral of the story is that if Sherwin somehow makes a good decision, you know it has to be good.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

blaaarrggh haxx / guest post

hey blog monkeys,

dj leather interior here. i am in the shiloh house, i am actually sitting amongst the residents at the very moment. We're just sitting here, talking about various and random topics, mindless rants about anything and everything. little do they know that while this is going on i am defiling their blog...destroying its integrity...smothering any chance of hope they have for the future of this blog. yes. yeeessssss hahhahaha, its over for you shiloh!! you and your friends are dead!

well no, i actually like this blog so what good would it do if i ruined it. i dont want to kill you, what would i do without you? nothing thats what. well actually i would probably focus more time on my own blog. check it out if you have the time: (nice plug)

sherwin just took the cinnamon challenge. thats where you try and swallow a whole spoonful of cinnamon, its apparently impossible. it seemed like sherwin had some difficulty, but who knows. so on the topic of challenges, so far its been all sound and no fury. we talk and talk about the challenges, new ones come up nearly every time this topic arises, but we never actually do anything. basically we need to set a date, pick a challenge and just do it. my sugesstion is the dairy creamer challenge...the flavored dairy creamer challenge. the opposition against this of course that it already sounds absolutly, horrifyingly disgusting and terrifying. well i don't know i'm down for whatever. have you noticed how most challenges involve some kind of dairy product? gallon of ice cream, gallon of milk, half gallon of eggnog. does anyone have a suggestion for a non-dairy related challenge?

look i dont really know what i'm doing here. maybe next time i haxx this blog i'll have a plan. do i look like a guy with a plan?

nathan's wintry mix is rocking my life right now.

love always,
dj leather interior

Things boys eat when they are sad

1. Cereal in a metal bowl used for baking large cakes
2. Hot pockets on a paper towel
3. Ramen in tupperware
4. Rippled potato chips in hand and ranch dip in case
5. Large family lasagna dinner in its original container
6. Peanut Butter on a spoon with multiple slices of bread in lap
7. Wine in a pint glass and sardines from the can
8. Eggs, scrambled, microwaved, in container of finished family lasagna dinner
9. popcorn in bag doled out to be eaten in bowl
10. Vienna sausages from the can


Friday, March 27, 2009

Passing the Time on the Metro #1: Train Hopping

Sometimes the distance between point A and point B can get very tedious. You can twiddle your thumbs and stare yourself into insanity. Believe me, I have done it many times before and it is not enjoyable. Sometimes you have to get up and take charge of your own life and realize that you do not have to put up with this.

The metro can be a long ride.

The first activity in this series is something I have recently discovered. It is called train hopping. It harkens back to the days of freighthopping which is the practice of covertly hitching a free ride on a railroad freight car. Migrant workers use to do this in the old days because they were unable to find affordable transportation.

Freight hopping today is extremely dangerous because conditions inside the car can be severe based on weather, as well as reported dangers from other freighthoppers who may be ex-cons or other violent undesireables.

Trainhopping the DC metro has all of the thrill, but the only severe danger is potentially being late for your activity.

Yesterday after work I barely caught my rain and made it through the doors as it closed on my bag. I was on the very last train. I wanted to be somewhere in the middle so at the next stop I decided to get off and move as far as I could up. Around Farrugut West I quickly manuevered my way past crowds, being careful not to knock people over, and barely made it to the next train, again the doors closing on my bag, adrenaline was surging through me. At Foggy Bottom I got off and managed to move up two cars.

The most important thing is to keep your ears open for the 'doors closing' warning sound. You can play it safe moving up one car at a time, but it is possible with two. I played by my own personal honor system and left at the door I came in, although if you want you can move up in your train to make hopping easier.

Another factor you have to keep in mind is manuevering the crowd. At some points you might be going against crowd traffic which can get intense, just be careful not to mow anyone down, and keep small children in your peripheral.

If you have a longer ride and you make it to the front, you can just work your way back. With two or more people the adrenaline factor goes up considerably, but remember there is danger of losing your friends and challengers.

Trainhopping can be an enjoyable experience and is a good equivalent if you missed your gym workout that day. Bring an extra undershirt if you choose to do this in the morning.

Don't worry, you'll be there in no time.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Every house has to do it. You gotta clean. You gotta get in there and scrub down the sink and mop the floors and clean that crap up.

However. This becomes difficult when your house is covered in filth.

That's right, virtually every room in Shiloh seems like FEMA's going to bust in with some man in a suit and a hardhat yelling, "THIS IS OUR JURISDICTION!" and start setting up Cranes and Support Teams and Infrastructure, mercilessly barking orders at some 22 year-old intern who joined FEMA so he could "help people recover" and now all he's doing is fetching coffee and doughnuts for some douchebag in a suit, soon to be so jaded by all the governmental red tape involved with disaster relief that he quits after four years, starts a nonprofit disaster relief organization with the goal of getting much-needed supplies to hard-hit areas, only to be swindled by a con artist masquerading as a ex-Peace Corps volunteer, reducing the poor man's life to a hollow shell, and as he looks back on the lie his life has become he thinks back to that fateful day when the pressures of the working world forced him into nonexistence...that day at Shiloh, epicenter of the world's conflict.

I'm kidding. But seriously. This place is a disaster. We've got beds in random places around the house, I've still got some stuff from when I moved in on the living room couches, there's beer bottles and empty potato chip bags in the basement, the sink again overflows with plates, dishes, and glasses, the bathroom's gross, the master bedroom is a disaster zone with random pieces of furniture + sherwin's shoes + other assorted clothing items lying around in there, the kitchen area needs a massive scrubdown w/mop, Jon's room has crap all over it, and the laundry room is...I don't even want to go there (let's just say we do everything in our power to transfer clothes from the dryer to our laundry bags without letting them drop on the floor), and to top it all off Sherwin's room still smells like ferrets.

It's also difficult to do Spring cleaning when SPRING IS 35 EFFING DEGREES.

So we're cleaning Shiloh over the course of the next day + 1/2, and it will be spotless. At least, that's what we keep telling ourselves.

In other news:
1) a Cadence/Prisms Split Acoustic EP is in the works!!! More details to follow, but I can tell you that the plan is for studio sessions to begin in 2 weeks. Excited!!

2) South Park last night was potentially the greatest south park.

3) Sherwin, Nate, Monica, Katie, and David are HORRIFYINGLY LAME for flaking out completely on me and Vinny's trip to Amphora's last night. A NAP, sherwin? gimme a break. we're not friends anymore. ever! also the cereal is left out so that I can pour it faster next time.

4) Where the Wild Things Are has the potential of being the most epic and incredible movie ever. Watch the trailer and prepare to be amazed.


Top 10 Reasons why you would hate Nathan

1. He is loud
2. Abercrombie Woods Cologne
3. Cereal boxes are left open
4. He goes to bed at 2AM and he wants you too as well
5. The bathroom is hairy
6. All the cereal bowls are in his room
7. He is jean pretentious
8. Bum smoker
9. Where's the milk?
10. Wear looser pants you are making me stumble


Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes I like to move

Sher, checking in. I ran my 4th marathon in the last 7 months on Saturday, the Suntrust National Marathon. I didn't really train for this run this go round and my only goal was to enjoy the views and finish. What was nice about this race is that it was exclusively run in the city. I left around 530AM from Shiloh to catch the metro. I got there late due to delays from the crowd. I ended up starting the race late because of the long bathroom line, and only had 10 seconds to spare to cross the start line. Here are some highlights:

Miles 1-2: The weather was close to freezing and I worked mostly on keeping my hands from freezing. I almost tripped over a speed bump on E Capitol St.

Miles 2-4: I ran down Constitution. It was weird to run down it and not stop at any red lights. My shoes were old and noticed I could feel holes at the bottom. My hands were falling off. I drank way too much power aid and needed to drain the waters. I waved to a cop, she waved back. Score. I would wave to every cop I passed.

Miles 4-8: The sun was coming out, although it was cold in the shade. My right foot hurt so I started formulating a grocery list, to take my mind off pain. Adams Morgan looked skanky. The streets were covered in trash, and everything smelled like feces. And in typical AM neighborhood fashion I chugged two beers given by the crowd. The course was very hilly. Dupont Circle was a blur, I was too busy trying to keep my hands warm.

Miles 8-13: U St. was barren. I remember the tunnels during this stretch were a welcome relief. And the downhills didn't hurt either. I had to pee so I snuck behind a Jamaican Cuisine restaurant and peed on a wall. I saw many other runners peeing in random less conspicuous spots. All systems were a go. I met a guy from NY State and ran with him for about 2 miles. We talked about college and the weather. His son is in the same fraternity as me. I passed him when he stopped to stretch. At the end is where the half marathon runners and the full branched off. There wasn't many of us.

Miles 13-17: I drank way too much power aid and needed to pee again. I got in a line for a portajohn and some guy cut in line and stole my spot, but I heard puking so I let it go. We ran Constitution again. I tripped over the same speed bump I was sure of it. Some kid gave me a snickers bar. I was still going at a good pace.

Miles 17-22: We veered into the SW Harbor. I ran with a girl from North Carolina and we talked about restaurants. She was too slow I passed her after less than a mile. The Harbor looked nice I remember eating at the buffet when I was little. Pain was in my legs so I tried to keep loose and go faster. Some girl gave me twizzlers. I ate 3 while running and almost choked. I could never get that right. I followed a girl for 5 miles. She had a good pace. It's not stalking if it's during a race.

Miles 22-24: Anacostia is gorgeous. The neighborhood was very pretty and many locals were out. A guy in front of me waved to a local and the local responded, "I aint wavin at you bitch, put yo hand down." My leg was killing me and my foot was bleeding. I stopped at a corner and took off my socks and soaked up the blood and threw the socks on the sidewalk and ran barefoot. Running commando rules. The park was a long stretch. I ate a lot of jelly beans and m & m's at one stop for energy and it helped immensely.

Miles 24-26: My foot was still bleeding and it was seeping out of my shoe. Gross. I picked up speed to keep loose. I ate random twizzlers in the grass. They were still in the plastic. The last mile I made a mad dash to the finish. Some girl tried to race me, who I quickly disposed of. I finished with just over 4 hours. Kind of dissapointing. But theres always a next time.

Epilogue: In the past 48 hours I have eaten 5 hot dogs, 4 hamburgers, 2 steaks, 2 pizza bolis large cheese pizzas, a corndog, 3 burritos, a pot of spaghetti, and a pot of rice. Mayor Adrien Fenty beat me by 30 or 40 minutes. I am still hungry.

Vinny's New DJ Name

I changed the name of our blog. It is no longer The Shiloh Rant. It is now Teh Shiloh Blarghh! >:O DEAL WITH IT. This is just a post to tide all you little twitterers and what-have-yous over because there are some COOL EFFING POSTS coming real soon! So GET READY.

With that, I give you, "What me and Vinny do during work":

12:51 PM Vinny: NEW DJ NAME:
12:52 PM Dj Dutty Riddims
12:55 PM me: gross
dj slime on my shoes
12:56 PM Vinny: dj snot rocket
12:58 PM DUTTY RIDDIMS is my regge/311/sublime cover band scratch Dj name
1:07 PM me: hahahahahaha
1:09 PM czech out the new name of our blargh!
1:14 PM me: TAR SHILAR BLARRRRR!!!!!!!!
1:31 PM Vinny: TR SHRKLH BLRRRJJ!!!!
1:32 PM me: DURKA DURR!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aggressive Note (A Response)

"Never attack, unless you know you can win."
-Grandpa Tanaka, 3 Ninjas

If the "past" in "pastsive" is supposed to be a clever play on words, you fail. If you were trying to spell aggressive then maybe you should have spelled that right too, before submitting nonsense for my perusal.

If you don't care about little things--like titles of blog posts--how can I believe that you care that much about Frosted Mini-Wheats? I'd give you an A for effort but this work is so slipshod and careless that I am forced to give you a big fat F.

Also, since when did you care about stale food? I seem to remember a story in which a steak was sitting in the freezer, exposed, for over a year, such that it turned a shade of BLUE, and you ate that. Am I lying? How many mornings have you eaten rice out of a pot Jon didn't even take off of the stove from the night before? How many times have I looked at you in bewilderment (and this is coming from a guy who will eat anything off the floor regardless of how long it's been there) as you make a plate of Chinese "food" (dog, jellyfish) left over from three weeks ago? Oh, hey, remember that loaf of bread with a huge amount of mold on it we found on top of the freezer a few days ago? Hold on, what were the three responses we had?

*Jon picks up loaf of bread*
Jon: GROSS guys what is this doing here??!
Nathan: I was gonna write a blog post about it. Leave it there.
Jon: I'm throwing this away, this is disgusting.
Sherwin: Just peel off the crust guys, it's still good!

You can't possibly care about stale cereal. Much less Frosted Mini-Wheats, because if you let them soak a little they become just as pliable and joyous as new. Also, I don't believe in stale cereal. Stale cereal is just (or almost) as good as regular cereal, to the point where I, the person who obsesses over how deep the spoon I'm using is and judges a cereal based on how good their commercials were in the '80s, don't mind one way or the other.

Get over it, woman. You suck at life.

p.s. sorry about leaving the Frosted Mini-Wheats out.

pastsive agressive note

"It is sadder to find the past again and find it inadequate to the present than it is to have it elude you and remain forever a harmonious conception of memory."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Nathan, Frosted Mini Wheats is a delicious cereal. I remember it fondly when I first bought it. Inside its box contained many delicious grains of wheat bound into bite sized pieces with one side enveloped in sugary cherubic goodness. When I first opened the package and poured my precious contraband into my 'walls of jericho' bowl and took my first bite I was immediately transported to a blissful happier place filled with the intoxicating freedoms of juvenescence.

This morning I returned to my box and it was not quite the same. The wheat squares tasted of stale rotting corpses and the sugar I once loved merely gave the grain a sad glimmer of the state it once was. Oh how I lamented and deplored time's tenacity to turn beauty into homeliness and the pristine into corruption. Why couldn't it be like it once was? Why can't beauty be frozen in state so its tasty allure can be enjoyed only a week, months later?

I began to surmise a way to prevent this next time so that many future generations can enjoy the fruit of the past. And then an insightful conclusion expeditiously came to me like a moth to the flame burned by the fire.

Maybe you can close the effin box next time you jerk. Oh and buy us some milk or I will end you.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Horror Night at Shiloh

Many of you may not know this but Sherwin has seen every movie known to man. He's even seen Tom Green's Subway Monkey Hour which I thought I might have had him on, but then he remembered that actually he did see it. I've seen a lot of movies myself, and between the two of us we watch a WHOLE lot of movies. Like, Sherwin watches between an average of two and four movies a day, and still ends up having a life. I don't get it.

What I do get, however, is that we're both really into horror movies, and probably once or twice a week, we go downstairs to the horror lair. Armed with cereal + chocolate for me, and beer + Chinese food for Sherwin, we toss on a horror classic or movie we heard was really gory and get scared. We've already got some pretty crazy stories from our horror nights. Like the time we were watching Hostel and my nose started spontaneously bleeding during a torture scene, or how we watched Cold Prey (a Danish slasher movie) and when I told Todd Grabowsky he thought we were just making fun of an asian person trying to say they went to a Coldplay show, or how Sherwin watched Rogue (a B-movie about a giant crocodile) something like four times in a row one night because it was so good.

It's pretty sweet, and in terms of Horror genres, Shiloh has them all covered: Slasher, Classic Horror, Zombie, everything! It would be a great house for a slow-moving slasher-type movie because it's dark and has sharp corners and lots of little rooms. Actually that reminds me of the time me and Sherwin went to Tyson's AMC and watched the absolutely mind-numbingly terrible slasher-remake of Prom Night, and came out of the movie never wanting to see another movie again.

In terms of straight-up, Exorcist-type classic Horror the whole house is creaky and woodsy, and the downstairs smells like a recently-used fireplace (usually because Jon has recently used it) which instantly reminds me of Evil Dead every time I go down there. Which rules. The basement is pretty spacious but really dark when the lights are off--perfect for a horror movie--the kind of place you'd accidentally end up in while you were running barefoot through the woods from an Unknown Fear, only to be drawn into an end plot where a twist reveals that the Unknown Fear is, in reality, your own mind. You die a tragic death alone in the bathroom of the basement. Nail and teeth marks on the walls and floors indicate to the forensics team investigating the crime scene impossibly high levels of schitzophrenia, but they can't find a cause of death. It becomes a cold case at the Central Precinct and no one talks about it to this day.

But the best part is that I found THIS:

downstairs in the heart of the basement, right next to the washer and dryer. "What is that?" you might be asking. Well, it's a Zombie Hatchet. I'm a huge sucker for zombie movies, and I have to say that this discovery has not only made me extremely happy, but has also made me feel much more safe + secure, knowing that Jon, Sherwin, and I can successfully use the basement as a last stand against the zombie takeover, armed with Shiloh's old, partially-rusted-but-still-kinda-sharp zombie hatchet! I imagine us covered in zombie blood, all three of us struggling to keep the downstairs spare room door closed as countless undead push from the other side. As the window on the opposite side of the room is busted open, and a zombie's evil, pale, blood-spattered face recognizes food and with a shreak attempts to make his way in through the window, Sherwin takes the hatchet and with a triumphant "GYAAAAA!!!" brings the full force down on the zombie's head, destroying what's left of its rotted brain. More come after him. Swinging and hacking, it becomes clear that there are too many zombies to ward off, and as the movie fades to black the sound of "Ave Maria" is heard faintly over the snarling and growling. The fate of the residents of Shiloh--sealed forever in a tomb of wood and stone.

This house literally only gets cooler every day I'm in it.